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Let’s Work Together

At Barrel Leaf, I’m passionate about creating mouthwatering vegan recipes and inspiring others with plant-based goodness. I also love teaming up with brands and individuals who share the same values!

Barrel Leaf offers a variety of services to elevate your brand, including:

  • Original Recipe Development: Creating unique and delectable vegan dishes and desserts that perfectly align with your vision.
  • Food Photography & Videography: Capturing the beauty and scrumptiousness of your brand with stunning visuals.
  • Photo Editing: Transforming plain photos into eye-catching images.
  • Social Media Content: Crafting captivating content to spread the word about your delicious offerings.
  • Informative Workshops: Sharing your brand’s products and connecting with your audience.

Sound like a good fit? If your brand resonates with Barrel Leaf’s mission, please send an email to:

[email protected]

(若過了三天沒有回覆,有可能是漏信。再煩請傳訊至 Facebook 粉絲團。)

Let’s create something amazing together!

Nora Hsu @barrelleaf